Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday, February 1st, 2010 - Sunday, February 7th, 2010

FOOD:  Lowering the calories to make up for the lack of exercise but won't go below 1200.

Monday: 5.5 oz cod (128), cheese wrap (250), apple slices (240), Pistacchios (170), 2 protein bars (360), chicken tenderloins (165), 1313 total calories consumed, 2269 total calories burned, 956 deficit, 7 meals.

Tuesday: 2 protein bars (360), cheese wrap (250), chicken tenderloins (165), 12 oz salmon (442), fruit drink (110), 1327 total calories consumed, 2344 total calories burned, 1017 deficit, 7 meals.

Wednesday: 100 grapes (200), cheese wrap (250), 4 oz salmon (237), apple slices (240), Pistacchios (170), 3 oz tuna fillet (157), 1250 total calories consumed, 2644 total calories burned, 1394 deficit, 7 means

Thursday: Cheese wrap (250), 2 apple slices (480), Pistacchios (170), protein bar (180), 8 oz chicken tenderloins (220), 1300 total calories consumed, 2368 total calories burned, 1068 deficit, 7 meals.

Friday: Cheese wrap (250), apple slices (240), Fiber One cereal (120), 1 lb tilapia (580), Shakeology (140), 1330 total calories consumed, 2588 total calories burned, 1258 deficit, 7 meals

Saturday: Fiber One Cereal (120), 2 apple slices (480), protein bar (180), 8 oz chicken (220), cheese wrap (250), 1250 total calories consumed, 2588 total calories burned (!!, same as yesterday to the calorie), 1338 deficit, 6 meals

Sunday: 1.5 Fiber One cereal (180), four Flatout bread Light (360), Pistacchios (170), protein bar (180), apple slices (240), 4 oz chicken tenderloins (110), 1240 total calories consumed, 2663 total calories burned, 1423 deficit, 8 meals
9010 total calories consumed, 17464 total calories burned, 8454 deficit, 49 meals

Average of 1287 calories a day consumed, 2494 calories a day burned, 1207 deficit, 7 meals

MONDAY 9a Sahara TurboKick Beth  Didn't have the Polar, the BodyBugg says I burned 282 calories, went low-impact because of sickness, blog talks about this).  First time doing R39, talk about it below.

Three weeks until my TKB and HHH certifications (the HHH being worthless for me right now as I'll never use it but you never know and it's here in Vegas might as well take it).  Really excited about being able to buy TKB rounds and teaching TKB.

Waiting for the doctor's office to open to make an appointment.


MONDAY NIGHT: STILL sick. I don't know what's wrong. I went to TKB this morning and did what I could. I can't go high impact even if I want to, the dizziness prevents me, and I'm still not breathing well. Still having chest pains. And now I feel lousy, too, up to Saturday (the last day I was able to go high impact) I was feeling great. Couldn't get in to see the doctor today but I have an appointment for tomorrow at 10a. I have another TKB class tomorrow at 8a and plan to do what I can again. Didn't have my heart rate monitor this morning but the BB said I burned around 282, which I was pleased with as I was just pretty much standing there just moving my arms. The dizziness made it very hard to bend and so I didn't do any bending and stayed standing the whole class (not that there much bending, mostly one exercise where you squat down then push your legs back, which just happens to be my favorite exercise ever but I couldn't do it).

This was my first time with Round 39, and I'm in love with it. I don't really remember round 37 but really fell in love with round 38 (which I would say we started about a month after I started the group classes) and loved the Turbo, and didn't think I was going to like 39 (because it wasn't 38), but I am thoroughly pleased. The Turbo's awesome too. I really like the intensity, I would say it's higher intensity than 38. I was looking for ways to raise the intensity and found none, the whole round is solid and at a good intensity. I really can't wait to go full force with it.

I stayed in the back corner of class trying to hide out. I don't care exercising in the front but I don't want to set a bad example for other people. If I had something physical, i.e. a cast, I would, just to show you can exercise with a cast, but if it's something internal that cannot be easily seen it's different. I realized something, I don't really care about my size, but about how hard I can go in class. The harder I go the better I feel and the lower intensity I have to take, the fatter I feel, and I felt fat this morning.

Still moving, and today was pretty much a waste as I get winded getting out of bed. I'm not getting to the heaving part because I can't put out enough exertion to get there. A lot more dizzy laying in bed, sitting, standing. Trouble breathing even when laying down. Not so much gasping for air but more of a shallow breathing and I can tell I'm not breathing right or fully. So I have four days left to move 2 rooms and what's left of another, the bathroom, and the DVD tower in the hallway. I really want to get back to normal quick.

Other people at the gym have had sicknesses and injuries and I realized a few months ago how good it was to be healthy and able to exercise and enjoyed being able to move, so that if I'm able to move, it's my duty. Now I doubly appreciate it, and I can't wait to be able to exercise again. I miss it. In the same week I gained a major stressor (moving), fell sick, and lost my stress relief (exercise). So I'm allowing myself a little stress over it. I don't know if I have a cold, allergies, stress, or something else, but something is definitely physically wrong with me right now. I don't think it's dust because it started last week and it has been a slow but steady progression, and I started getting visibly winded on Thursday during Nicola, but noticed trouble breathing even before that earlier in the week. The dizziness started around Friday and the chest pains Saturday, when I went to the ER. EKG and chest X-ray normal, 98% oxygen saturation, BP something like 107/58, no fever, bloodwork (electrolytes and sugar) normal. Pretty much I have the body of a healthy young woman, I just can't use it. The doctor tomorrow better not tell me I'm fine. They also checked for a lung embolism (blood clot) in my lungs, found none.

Tuesday 8a Ann TurboKick Michele 57/405/50, 164/87, 125/66
Tuesday 5:30p Ann Lift Kathy 57/298/60, 129/68, 110/58

I was surprised I burned that many during TKB, I was expecting 250, not almost at capacity.  I was able to go high impact maybe 10% of the class, I can't imagine this round when I'm all better and going at 100%.  It's a 600 round for sure if it's a 400 round at 60% capacity.

So I went to the doctor and he said I have a virus.  My eardrums are thinned out and pulled back, especially the right ear, causing the dizziness.  Airways constricted, causing the difficulty to breathe.  The chest pains are because viruses constrict the chest walls or something, so it's the actual chest that hurts, not the heart or anything like that.  Low impact for another week or two then I should be able to go high impact, gone in 3-4 weeks.  Recommends I don't take it high impact right away because that will just delay the healing, but sees nothing wrong in taking it up by Saturday of next week or so.  Offered a bronchodilator but it was just for the symptoms, doesn't actually heal in any way, so I declined it.  I prefer not to take medicine unless necessary, and I'd rather deal with a symptom for a week or so than take medicine if the symptom is not that bothersome.

The dizziness is still very prominent, and he said my right ear is worse than my left, and I did notice during Lift today that I had more trouble when I was lunging with my right leg in front than the left.

Losing last week and this week of running, trying to pick it up by Wednesday of next week at Week 4 and I should finish by the third week of March, giving me the whole month of April to run the whole thing and really prepare.  Really hoping I can just go back to the 3/5/3/5 instead of having to start at week one.

So the dizziness is not helping the packing, but I'm determined to give it one last hurrah tomorrow and Thursday and finish with it.  Room tomorrow (today, I guess, since it's just after midnight), garage Thursday, corridor and bathroom Friday, sleep in the new home for the first time Friday.  So it's really two more nights in the old house.

Had a bit over a 1k caloric deficit today, making me 33 calories below the 2k goal for the week so far.  I have cycle and Zumba today so maybe I can make up the calories.  It's very hard to go low impact and still have a 1k daily deficit.  Kind of stuck between 156-157 lbs, which I'm happy taking into consideration the almost non-existant level of activity.  If I can hover around 156 and then come back full force in another week, I'll be happy.  Losing two weeks or so to the virus.  My goal is to be at 110 lbs by September 1st, the anniversary of starting the group classes (not going to make it by 7/3, the anniversary of when I started exercising, just had too much to lose).  at 157, that's 47 lbs in 30 weeks (22 weeks until my workout anniversary), or 1.56 lbs a week, and right now I have high 80s low 90s (~1.8X, ~1.9X lbs a week) making it very doable.  And the thinner I get, the harder I can go, and the running will help, and once I'm in better shape all the hiking and mountain climbing/biking and biking in general, etc.  And I'm going to start a boot camp within the next month, that should kick things up a notch.  It meets all throughout the week and it's a hardcore outside fitness experience.  $150 a month unlimited classes, and I can make about 15 classes a month, making it $10 or so a class.  Maybe I can make more classes if I skip the gym lifting on Saturday and see how it goes muscle-wise, they do have a lot of strength-training drills, so if this could be a possible schedule:

Thursdays and Fridays, there's a class at 5a and one at 6a, I can try and make it through as much as I can of both, so that could be 4 classes right there. Saturday there's a 7.30-9a class which would interfere with Lift but I wasn't crazy about that Lift class anyway, not sad to see it go, and in time to make Kelly's TKB. That's 5 classes. Everyday there's also a 6p class. Monday there's Linda so that's a no. Tuesday I could drop Donalin's since I have her for Wednesday Zumba, thinking of dropping her Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday classes and keeping just Wednesday, because I'm trying to vary it a bit, been taking her a lot for months now. So I could make it Tuesday to the class, making it six. Wednesday, that's Wednesday Night Zumba (see what I did there), so that's a no for boot camp. Thursday I could go, and also Friday, making it weight a week. So it would look this this:


That would make it 32 classes a month, or $4.68 a class. If at the beginning I can't hold out the double-classes, that would be 24 classes a month, or $6.25 a class. And it wouldn't interfere too much with the gym, just Donalin's clases. And I would have to drop Glen's Lift on Tuesdays, which I was thinking of doing, and sticking with Rachel on Mondays for Lift. I only took him once, so better now than later, although I still will take him 2-3 more times before I start the boot camp.

Just found out Kathy will do a TKB on Sunday at 9a at Craig next week, will have to take Dallas on Wednesday and Friday instead and scoot over to Kathy. I miss her TKBs. I like to go to the classes as much for each instructor's personality and idle banter as for the workout. I should be able to go all out by then.

The more I think about the boot camp, the more I like it, I like to be challenged. And they have sessions in which they measure pushups, situps, running, etc, so I'm going to make one of those my first session and see what improvement there is after a month. There's something really appetizing about working out outdoors and doing something different all the time. And if the only casualties are Glen and Saturday Lift, I'm good. Could be worse.

Here's a possible schedule once the move is done and I'm back to normal: (already accounting for the boot camp)
MONDAY 9a Ann Zumba Michele
MONDAY Noon Agassi Lift Rachel
MONDAY 4:30p Cheyenne SET Kathy
MONDAY 6p Agassi Zumba Linda
TUESDAY 8a Ann TKB Michele
TUESDAY 9a Cheyenne TKB Rachel (arrive a bit late)
TUESDAY 10a Cheyenne Pilates Rachel
WEDNESDAY 8a Ann Cycle Dallas
WEDNESDAY 6:30p Craig Zumba Donalin
THURSDAY 10a Agassi TKB Rachel
THURSDAY Noon Cheyenne Lift Rachel
THURSDAY 5:30p Ann Zumba Michele/Ginger (they alternate)
FRIDAY 8a Ann Cycle Dallas
FRIDAY 10a Trop TKB Beth
SATURDAY 10a Agassi TKB Kelly
SUNDAY 9a Sahara Cycle Dallas

17 classes, have to give up 3 gym classes to add 8 bootcamp classes. Good trade. And Wednesday is kind of open. I think just the boot camp will be a workout enough, so the gym's just icing on the cake, and other than the cycle and the Lift (the cycle for the triathlon, the Lift to avoid losing muscle) I can skip the other classes.

There's a combo at Trop on Friday mornings that I want to try out, Fabian 9a, Megan 10a. That means skipping Beth and Dallas, though, so I think I'll stick with what I have for now and just do that combo if Beth ever has a sub (since I take Dallas two other times a week).

Linda does a TKB Tuesdays at 10a that I want to try out. I don't know if I'll just give up Tuesdays TKB and Pilates for now and just do Michele and Linda, since I really enjoyed Linda's TKB, and then go back to Kathy's TKB in May when she comes back, that gives me about 12 weeks with Linda. Will probably end up doing that.

Did I mention I'm really looking forward to the boot camp?

Needless to say I've gone gloveless.  Kelly advised I take the gloves off while I was doubled over heaving on Saturday but I politely refused.  I will have to be pretty bad off for me to ever take my gloves off during a class again, and doubled over heaving isn't even close.  I wonder now if that Saturday the week before last when I took my gloves off was the virus starting.  I noticed it some during Megan, so that's even before that Saturday, on the Thursday of the week before last, and I -really- noticed it during Nicola on Thursday (of last week), and then I was heaving all over the place Saturday (of last week) during Kelly.  Sunday during Dallas I went low-impact, and also Monday during Beth and Tuesday during Michele and Kathy.  Today is officially Day 4 of going low-impact.  So it's been a slow progression with feeling worse and worse.  This morning my right ear bothers me, I have some stomach aches, I feel feverish and have a mild headache, and still with the shallow breath and chest pains.  And dizzy of course.

So the gloves are staying off for now, I really need to go low-impact until I kick this, and it seems I'm still going downward and haven't started getting better yet, as I'm still seeing new symptoms.  It's funny because I have the dizziness and shortness of breath and chest pain and stomach ache and headache and feel feeverish but I feel the symptoms, I don't actually feel that bad myself, i.e. I don't have that feeling of malaise, so other than each specific symptom, I feel pretty good.

Apparently my ears have to "pop" before the dizziness goes away, and my right eardrum is not perforated but really thin but I should not worry about it, all according to doctor.

Cycle and Zumba today, so even at low impact, I should be able to eat a couple hundred calories more today and still reach 3000 for all three days.

Cycle time!!

Wednesday 8a Ann Cycle Dallas 54/486/40, 167/88, 144/76

I was able to go high impact this morning and it felt absolutely wonderful to be able to use my body again.  It feels good to exert it, to feel it move, to feel it fight against exhaustion and pain (good pain).  It feels good to use it and to feel it move at my command.  This morning was one of my most enjoyable exercise experiences ever.  I felt on top of the world.

If I can go high impact during Zumba today I may wear the gloves tomorrow.  I think a huge difference on why I went high impact today was because I lost the fear of doing something to my body as I now know it's just a virus and the worst that may happen is that I'll be a bit sick for another week, i.e. it's not a more serious medical condition that can really be worsened by exercise.  I think this psychologically gave me permission to go all out while still sick.  I was able to stand up on the bike and all (I stayed seated on Sunday, I don't think I've mentioned this before) and found that if I just grabbed on to the handlebars hard enough I could be dizzy but still do anything I wanted on the bike.  Just made sure not to let go of the handlebars.  Not sure how the dizziness will play out in Zumba.  I think once the dizziness goes away the other symptoms will be easier to deal with and fight through.

I am making a conscious choice to go high impact right now even though it may delay the healing, but it's a conscious choice.  I'd rather have five weeks of sickly high impact then two weeks of low impact, a week of sickly impact, and then well.  I will trade off a longer recovery period for the ability to exercise now.  But I feel a lot better now so I think the exercise will end up helping it.  Although this morning wiped me out and I slept from 10 until after two (which is a lot for me).

Wednesday 6:30p Craig Zumba Donalin 55/510/40, 165/87, 146/77

I'm BAAAAAAACK.  SO good to be able to exercise again.  Still dizzy but balance good enough to move while standing.  Still got all symptoms but now that I know it's nothing serious, I can push through them.  It feels so good to move and I'm so grateful I can push myself again.  I am going to exercise this virus away.  Tomorrow trying the gloves and if one or two gloved classes go well moving to the front.  Got a bit of nausea also now.  Definitely sick but I don't care anymore.  Monday restart my 20 classes a week, finishing the move this week and giving myself breathing room to get a bit better before adding volume again.  I can BEND again!!  I can pretty much do anything now, and it felt so weird not being able to those three days.

Good day.  Good day.

Plan to do the third day of week 4 of running this Friday and pick it back up from there.  So only lost a week.  All in all it could have been worse.

Thursday Noon Cheyenne Lift Rachel 58/204/60, 132/70, 109/58
Thursday 5:30p Ann Zumba Michele 59/188/60, 139/74, 112/59

Well, gone again.  Lift shouldn't have similar numbers to Zumba.  During Lift I started getting out of breath.  Trouble breathing and dizziness are the main symptoms now.  I was able to bend but that was gone by Zumba.  I was going to wear the weighted gloves to Zumba because of being able to go high impact yesterday but I reconsidered after Lift, and I'm glad.  Zumba knocked the air out of me and I barely moved.  Felt chest pressure and difficulty breathing.  And during both I get tired easily and out of breath easily and it's harder to get air in.

Why go to the gym at all?  Well, to Lift it's to preserve whatever muscle I have.  I hear horror stories of losing tons of lean mass by staying home sick and I'm not going to let that happen.  To cardio, I don't really know.  I guess 118 calories burned (extra) is better than none.  And I think I may be scared that if I stop one day, I won't go back.  It's the symbolism of going to the gym, mostly, even if I can't do much.  At least I went, and did what I could, at whatever level I was.  I usually modify up, now I'm learning to modify down.  Maybe this is a great experience to prepare me for all levels when I teach.  I was thankful when Michele gave us some lower-impact moves.  Jumping is out of the question, exacerbates the dizziness too much and wipes me out cardiovascularly.  Can't bend.  Get too dizzy.  I went down for a second set of stretches at the end because I stuck out like a sore thumb being the only person standing up for the first set, and it was very hard to come back up because of the dizziness.  Sore thumb it is next time.  My body is very good at letting me know at what level I can go, all I have to do is listen and follow along.  Still in the back, the front may be a couple of weeks off.  But this virus is so unpredictable, I'm just reassessing it day by day.

I think it's very easy to go back, and I get scared that I really haven't changed at all.  It's very easy to go back to no exercise and eating whatever I want.  So I have to follow my routine of good diet and exercise.  Hitting my 1k goals even with the reduced exercise, which I'm thankful for.  It's very hard to manage your weight while sick and without exercising.  And I do love the feeling of using my body, and really miss it when I can't.  I've gone two weeks with just 12 classes and I'm scared I won't be able to take it to 20 again, even though I want to.

I like Dallas high-impact, hope I can do that tomorrow.  I still haven't done R39 high impact.  I get two more chances this week.

Debbie (down and) out.

FRIDAY MORNING:  Wonder if I can go high impact today.  Still sick, little bit of dizziness (laying down), some chest pains, little bit of a headache, shallow breathing.  Did some packing yesterday night and felt awful, yesterday was a bad sick day.  Gained half a lb over lowest, lost .5 % body fat, down to 28.7.  Still straddling that line between being brave and being stupid.  But I think I physically can either go high impact or not, I'm not sure it's a mental choice per se.  If I can, I go, if I can't, I don't (and can't, even if I wanted to).

Friday 8a Ann Cycle Dallas 58/176/60, 140/74, 100/53
Friday 10a Trop TKB Beth

Back down.  Got really dizzy during Dallas.  Still having difficulty breathing.  Tried to go up off the seat at the beginning of class and came back down, tried again, back down.  I'm not going to push it to the point of feeling faint, the point of exercising is to feel good, and when I went high impact on Wednesday it felt GOOD.  Today it didn't feel good.  Tried to go faster sitting down, couldn't do that either, so just pedaled slowly the whole class.  Didn't go to Beth, having accomplished my one class a day to keep my New Year's resolution of going to at least one class a day.

Still feel the same while moving.  Today is a down day, wondering what tomorrow will bring.  Almost a week and I haven't been able to try R39 full impact, looking forward to that.  Got really sad when I couldn't join the rest of the class today in going hard at it, I miss that even when it's only been a couple of days.

Wanted to amend a line from this morning.  Straddling the line between being hardcore and stupid.  Don't really think brave fits, hardcore's a better word.

Trying to pack but I keep dropping stuff on the floor, taking a break.

FRIDAY NIGHT: House packed, movers come in tomorrow. Someone told me moving is one of life's stop stressors, right next to losing a loved one. Wish someone had told me that weeks ago.

Got REALLY nauseated right before coming to work, I don't know what that was all about. Still have it a little bit (maybe more than a little bit). I've lost my appetite a bit. I forgot to report a few days ago that I finally had the lowered appetite of someone sick, so even though I couldn't exercise as much, I wasn't eating as much, but that didn't even last through the afternoon. Been eating about 1300 calories a day, still lower than my 1500+ but high enough to insure the metabolism keeps going. But right now I don't really feel like eating and I haven't eaten since 8:30p.

Can't do a class tomorrow, so I'm going to do an hour on the bike instead. Same thing I did today. That way I can be with the movers in the morning, go to a BeachBody party thing in the afternoon, and then do the bike afterwards, then get a couple of hours rest. Then worry about the garage on Sunday.

Nothing much to report, other than the nausea. That's the highlight of the afternoon/night. In a couple of weeks the move will be over, I can rejoin the gym, life will be good again. Right now just a wee bit stressful.

SATURDAY MORNING - going to skip the gym today but I am going to get at least one weights class in tomorrow to make it three weights this week.  I'm going to change my New Year's Resolution from one gym class a day to at least 60 minutes of exercise a day, which the BodyBugg records.  I think that's better and it frees me up to do other stuff like going hiking one day and takes into consideration just walking or biking around or swimming or such.

SATURDAY EVENING - Well, lots to write about.  On the couch in the new house, organizing.  Let's recount the day.  It started at midnight, and between midnight and 8a I ate a cup of FiberOne cereal.  I started yesterday.  About 28 grams of fiber, over the daily recommended value.  Plus the fiber I get everywhere else.  Drank more than usual but not by much.  I normally don't drink much water while at rest, just when exercising (and didn't drink a lot before I started exercising).  Around 8:30a I get home, start getting last-minute stuff put away before movers get here at 9a.  Eat a cheese wrap.  Start moving and everything going well.  Around 11:30a I realize I haven't slept since 4p the day before (I work nights and I spent all afternoon/early night on Friday packing the TV room), so I grab one of the energy drinks I bought at the gas station.

I know you want to get ahead of the story, but let's hold on a second.  I've had energy drinks before (not like Rockstar but like the 4-hour energy ones).  The first time I had the one that advertises 4-hour energy in the yellow and red bottle, I felt heart palpitations and then later felt like I would never again sleep in my whole entire life even if I wanted to, which made me sad because I felt like I lost the ability to sleep.  I did eventually sleep again.  This time I had already taken one energy drink from another brand and it didn't give me the jitters, it just kept me up and alert, which is the perfect combination.  A couple of days later drank the red/yellow 4- hour one and it did NOTHING for me, not even a buzz.  Today, this morning, I tried a third brand.  Tasted horrible.  Threw the bottle away and walked to the living room.  My stomach cramped up.  I doubled over and sat on a table, clutching my stomach.  Something was wrong, it didn't agree with me at all.  Then I felt like there was a river of fiery lava starting in the center of my skull and emanating in huge bloody cascades off my ears.  I literally stuck my right index finger into my right ear, took it out, and looked at it, certain it would be covered by blood because it felt like blood was pouring out of my head through my ears.  There was no blood.  There must be blood.  None.  It was then my nephew said I was red.  Ran to the bathroom and indeed I was red as a tomato.  My whole head.  Even my arms started getting red.  I started drinking lots of water and wondering if my head was about to explode.  Kept drinking water and eventually the hotness disappeared (after half an hour or so, though).  Then there came the chills.  I was freezing and shaking and cold, the cold that you feel in the bones.  Even with a blanket and sweater I was freezing.  That lasted half an hour or so.  Then there was a feeling of the center of my chest being crushed.  I wasn't worried about my heart (too much) because both sides of my chest were being crushed, not just the left.  That lasted half an hour or so.  Then just felt bad for another half hour or so, making the whole hot-cold-pain-bad experience around two hours.  Kept drinking water and it slowly flushed out of my system.  Turns out me and 250% the daily recommended dose of Niacin don't mix.  But my sinuses opened up wonderfully and I think the Niacin killed the virus or heated it or scared it away, because while I still feel somewhat sick, it's a different kind of sick (convalescing?) and not the virus sick I had the day before.  Right now (Saturday night) still feel it drove away most of the virus.  And Niacin's kind of trippy.  So it was a unique experience.  1-6 g of Niacin is toxic and I had 50mg (.05 g) of it, so it was nowhere near a toxic dose, but still mind-blowing.  I have never experienced anything like that before.  Feel like virus will be gone by Monday (and so will the moving, tomorrow we finish the garage and we're done).  Thinking of restarting normal gym routine Monday.

REALLY love the new house.  Unpacking.

SUNDAY RIGHT AFTER MIDNIGHT - I am feeling GREAT right now physically, I really think I melted the virus away with the Niacin.  I mean I still have a slight cought and sniffles, but nothing like a couple of days ago.  I forgot to mention that right after I went to the doctor I started getting "normal" "flu" symptoms - runny nose, congestion, sniffles, etc.  Up to the doctor I had none of those, associated with a head flu, hence I was taken aback by the chest flu since I can't remember the last time I had a chest flu, if ever.  If I ever get another one again I can just go to the doctor right away and confirm it's a chest flu and not worry about it.  But the Niacin was just wonderful and blasted it away, looking to restart regular gym Monday.

Today the plan is to get the garage moved to the storage, have a free month of storage, get to sort the items in the garage for the month, then take what I want to keep home.  $20 for the truck, $20 an hour for the movers, $20 tip both.  Then going to see if I go to a bar to watch the Super Bowl, then off to bed to catch a few zzzzzs for a few hours, and do my running around the neighborhood sometimes today, good test to check if I'm there physically.  All in all coming back, that Niacin may be the best thing that happened to the virus.  Unintended cure.  My body's been through a lot these couple of weeks, time to nurture it a bit and maybe sleep a lot Wednesday and Thursday along with gym and unpacking.

I love the new house.  I'm going to have an exercise area, a business/marketing area, and a writing area.

So on Saturday I didn't go to the gym and I didn't do weights or cardio. And I burned the exact same number of calories I did the day before, to the calorie, when I DID go to one class at the gym. So my new goal is one hour of activity per the BB, which I did have (I had over two hours on Friday and 1:25 on Saturday). So I can be active outside of the gym. I was burning over 100 calories an hour, today went down to about 80 an hour. 60 an hour is about my lowest. But I have running and moving the garage. 9185 steps, most of those going up and down stairs loading stuff into the trucks and cars.

During March, April, and May I won't go to 24HF. During March I will do Boot Camp Las Vegas and during April and May I am doing 60 days of Insanity, and I want to isolate the results. Then I will rejoin 24HF in June. Then around July 3rd audition to teach and hopefully teach my first class by September first. That's a good schedule. I think it's time to leave the gym for a bit and take my fitness outside and then inside, both physically and figuratively, as it's going to be hard to exercise by myself.

Going to try an accelerated running program. Starting boot camp on 3/2. I really want to finish the program, though. I know I can run 5 minutes, have one day of week 4 left.

So weeks 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 * 3 = 15 + 1 = 16.

7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 1

That's 12 days left and 16 days to do. But week 9 is just running 30, and week is just running 28 three times. So if I get rid of week 9 that's 13 days, and if I substitute the last day of week 8 for 30, I can do it all.

2/7 W4D3 J3 W90 J5 W2.5 J3 W90
2/9 W5D1 J5 W3 J5 W3 J5
2/11 W5D2 J8 W5 J8
2/13 W5D3 J20
2/15 W6D1 J5 W3 J8 W3 J5
2/17 W6D2 J10 W3 J10
2/19 W6D3 J25
2/21 W7D1 J25
2/23 W7D2 J25
2/24 W7D3 J25
2/25 W8D1 J28
2/27 W8D2 J28
3/1 FINAL J30

That way I can finish the program and still get BC going. I think I can physically run 30 minutes right now, so it's just taking care of the mental. It's going to be great having this new neighborhood because I don't have to drive anywhere to run. And it will prepare for the real road, hot, cold, etc. Although it own't get too hot by 3/1.

Time to take fitness outside of the gym. This move was good because it allowed me to see how the improvement in fitness can be applied in real life.

MONDAY JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT: I was getting stressed out about finishing the C25K program, and then out of the blue I decided to just try and just do the 30 minutes in a row now. That way I could get it over with. And am I in better physical shape than I give myself credit for? What's the difference between the previous, current, and next step?

But let me set up the stage a little bit before we begin. I had a chest virus for about two weeks or so, with dizzines, difficulty breathing, and chest pains. It finally went away when I ingested way too much Niacin, which made me hot for 30 minutes, cold for 30, in pain for 30, feel bad for 30 more. On Friday I slept 2-4 hours because I spent most of the day packing my room, then went to work, spent Saturday actually moving the stuff to the new house, slept a couple of hours, went to work, then spent Sunday doing the garage, slept a couple of hours, here we are. My back was killing me, I had slept about six hours in the last three days, and had spent over 15 hours in moving activities. That's when I decided to run the 30 minutes. It was really spur of the moment. So I went over to LVAC, and there was something chilly about the eyes that looked back at me when I looked in the mirror. The intensity, assuredness, tenacity, and belief that anything was possible.

Since my dad died, I have experienced moments in which I kind of know I will do something. Not clairvoyance, I don't see the future, it's more of I know how this turns out. One example was Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. I usually didn't fast, but this was the first one post-dad-dead. And I didn't set out to fast to honor him or G-d or anything like that, and I didn't even set out to fast. Part of me "knew" I was going to fast. It wasn't me making a choice, it was me finding out how something ended that had already been determined. Same thing with the 24 classes in one week at 24HF, I knew I would make it, same thing with the running. As soon as I started running I knew I was going to do it, and it was great, I was along for the ride for something special. I wanted to just go out on a Sunday night and do something special and I did. I started the C25K program 5 weeks ago. Prior to that I couldn't run more than a minute. And I did the three days each of weeks one, two and three, and for week four I did two days before I got sick. So I was up to running five minutes at a time. And I just went for it. From not being able to run a minute to running 30 minutes straight in five weeks, two of those sick.
After the run I felt kind of woozy and lightheaded like when you're drunk. Towards the end my vision kind of blurred and I was wondering which would happen first, whether I would finish or faint first (I finished first). When I got in the car I let out my "battle cry in glee." Kind of deja-vuish.
Why did I do this? Because I want the body to do things the mind can't. I want the body to overtake the mind. And I want to push people to do things they can't. And what I really want to do is to have a belief so strong in somebody that they can lean in that belief while they do THEIR impossible until they are ready to believe themselves. That's what I want to do, believe in people until they can do it themselves. I want to shatter misconceptions, limits, mental barriers.
But I thought today the body was going to do what the mind couldn't but actually both worked pretty well together, I knew I could and I did it no problem. What's funny is that I saw Karen on the track and said "Sorry trying to run" as I ran past her and it wasn't until a minute later that I was surprised that my subconscious was "trying to run" while my conscious was "running" and that my subconscious wasn't as sure of itself (but maybe that's normal?)
I've noticed I'm a lot more outgoing and sure of myself. I was at work a couple of days ago and a co-worker thought I dropped something on the floor but then couldn't find it, and I told her it was "the shadow of my awesomeness." New Debbie jokes like that. New Debbie does things. ND looks for new impossibles to make possible. Zumba in particular is helping me a lot with the self-consciousness and also in getting comfortable in my own body.
I've been losing weight in my face lately and it's very noticeable. I look in the mirror and physically don't recognize who's looking back at me. It's not pudgy and soft and cushy, it's lean and strong as steel. The one thing that STILL refuses to go? The stomach. 49ish-40ish so far.
So I became a runner today, or maybe I was already a runner and I just didn't know it. What does this mean? No idea. How is this going to change me? I think I am developing a deep unbending determination to achieve my goals.
Debbie out (for now). Niacin 1, Virus 0.

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