Friday, April 9, 2010

Monday, April 5th, 2010, through Sunday, April 11th, 2010

FRIDAY MORNING, before boot camp:  Monday was a good boot camp day, we did different sets of abs exercises with laps in-between.  I'm down to 8:25 for a mile as my best time (8:27 another time).  Crunches, sit-ups, leg lifts, etc., 50 of each, 4 exercises at a time, repeat, run, 50 of each, 4 exercises at a time, repeat.  On Tuesday we went to Eyes Paradise and we did an obstacle course.  I was last the first 2-3 times.  The last time I got sick of that and decided not to be last and shaved off my time from 4:10 to 3:20 (and wasn't last).  On Wednesday Linda came and we had arms day and one of the funnest boot camp days ever.  We got into harnesses and tried to pull the other person through a line.  I won 1 out of 3, but I made Karen work hard for it (she doesn't come often, so far just that day).  I had a 30 lbs vest the whole time, only took it off when jumping onto the picnic table benches.  Also did stair work, step-ups in the curb, squats against the wall, some running around the park.  Really good leg workout.  Thursday was arms day and we did move the tire with the hammer, triceps, biceps, medicine ball (one hand on one hand off) pushups, punching with weights, and of course running.  Then at the end we did some shoulder presses, bicep curls, and weight down to opposite leg then back up.  Today is run day, we're running to the bowl and then running IN the bowl.

On Monday I swam my routine, then Tuesday I had to merge two storages into one so I didn't do anything other than boot camp, Wednesday I was just too tired and just did boot camp, on Thursday I did two gym classes.  Today I'm going swimming after boot camp. Tomorrow is the 5K for work.

Yesterday we had an exercise in which we put our feet above a rail and then our hands on the floor and we were supposed to walk across the rail.  It's funny because I told Celine that I was going to go to the end of the rail because I hadn't decided yet whether I was going to put both feet up or not, I was still deciding.  I get down and put one foot up and decide it's too hard to put both feet up.  So I stay there thinking about it.  All of a sudden there's a commotion and I look over and Jen put both her feet up.  It was like a realization:  someone else did it, I could too.  So I put both my feet up for the first time.  Twice.  It was like someone broke a mental barrier for me.  At the end of class Jenn decided to do it again but this time walk, so I was game, and did it also.  On 3/1/10 when I started boot camp I could barely put my feet ON the rail and hold myself up, now I can put them ABOVE the rail and walk.  Progress.

But it's funny that I think I've come so far in the mental side of things and something like this shows me that I haven't.  I think my body doesn't know what it's capable of.  My body didn't think it could do that.  What else am I holding off on because I don't think I can?  Am I really giving it my all?  Something like this is actually scary because it shows how much I cripple myself.

Monday I also did my first 5K, 3.63 miles, 43:46, front door to park, three times around, back to front door, almost 6K actually.

Off to run day at boot camp, now that I caught up on what we did this week, I can sit back and relax and post more about other changes later.