Monday, February 22, 2010

Legend - if there's an abbreviation you don't understand, it's probably here.

What do the numbers mean? Right after the day, time, gym, location, and instructor information, you will first see ## / ## / ##. The first number is the class length in minutes. The second is calories burned. The third is % fat burned. The second and third set of numbers look like ## / ## %, ## / ## %. The first is the peak heart rate attained, both in raw number and percentage. The other set is the average heart rate obtained, both in raw number and percentage.

What is gross vs. net calories? If you notice I calculate how many calories I burned in a week at rest. When I exercise, I calculate how many calories I would have burned in that period of time and subtract that from what my heart rate monitor says I burned, to get net calories burned. If I hadn't gone to the gym, I would have still burned calories during that time, so this helps in not double-counting calories burned.