Saturday, November 21, 2009

Shakeology Recipes.

If you like it and want to buy it, might as well give you the choice to go through my link :)

My favorite recipe: (calories)
1 scoop chocolate Shakeology (140)
Half a banana (60)
1 tablespoon peanut butter (95)
4 oz milk (45)
Pre-microwaved low-sugar flavored Quaker Oats Oatmeal (120)
460 calories.

This is a MEAL.  It's filling and delicious and healthy.

Monday, November 23rd, 2009 - Sunday, November 29th, 2009

Starting weight 11/23: 179.5 lbs
Lowest weight of the week (finalized 11/30 AM): 177 lbs
Heaviest weight of the week (finalized 11/30 AM):  181 lbs
Final weight 11/30 AM: 178 lbs
Weight 11/23: 179.5 lbs
Weight 11/24: 181 lbs
Weight 11/25: 179 lbs
Weight 11/26:  177.5 lbs
Weight 11/27:  177 lbs
Weight 11/28: 177.5 lbs
Weight 11/29:  177 lbs

Cals burned a day - 2096
Cals burned a week -  14672 (based on 177 lbs)
Cals burned a minute -  1.48 (based on heaviest weight of the week)
Cals burned per hour -  89 (based on the heaviest weight of the week)
Food Goal: Minimum 1500 calories a day, not too much higher than that.

Monday:  3 Vita-Tops (300) + p90X protein bar (270) + 2.5 chicken wraps (500) + p90X protein bar (260) + 2 Vita-Tops (200) + 2 SF Jello = 1550

Tuesday:  IHOP Tilapia and mashed potatoes, 2 cheese wraps (500), 2 Vita-Tops (200), 2 Vita-Tops (200), 900 + IHOP meal

Wednesday:  2 Vita-Tops (200), chicken and rice (330), p90x protein bar (260), cheese wrap (250), chicken and Flatout (200), almonds (180), Vitatop (100), total 1520

Thursday:  Chicken and rice (330), cheese wrap (250), p90x protein bar (260) +Vita-Top (100) = 940+Thanksgiving meal (2 chicken legs, piece of meat, piece of turkey, baked potato, 10 strawberries)

Friday:  2 Vita-Tops (200), chicken and rice (330), cheese wrap X 4 (1000), 1530

Saturday:  2 Vita-Tops (200), 2 cheese wraps (500), chicken and rice (330), Chicken wrap (200), 1230.

Tried to eat over 1500 every day and I just couldn't do it today.  Body said NO ... MORE ... FOOD.  Trying to add muscle starting on Monday so maybe I'll try to find some high-calorie protein powder for days like these, or maybe protein bars.

Sunday: 2 VitaTops (200), serving of Cheerios (100), 2 cheese wraps (500), chicken and rice X 2 (660), Shakeology with Yogurt (220), 1680

Total:   9350 + IHOP meal + Thanksgiving meal

Monday, 11.30 LVAC BodyCombat Livio 53/595/35, 174/92, 154/81
Tuesday, 9a 24HF TurboKick Kathy T. 56/628/35, 176/93, 154/81
Tuesday, 10a 24HF Pilates Rachel 58/353/60, 144/76, 113/60
Tuesday, 1.30p LVAC BellyDance Olga 55/488/50, 150/79, 134/71
Wednesday, 11.30a LVAC Zumba Kimber 57/540/45, 156/83, 139/74
Wednesday, 12.30p LVAC BodyCombat Amy H 59/607/40, 166/88, 146/77
Thursday, 9a Craig Zumba Donalin 57/569/45, 159/84, 143/76
Thursday, 10:30 LVAC Zumba Lila 81/604/60, 142/75, 122/65
Friday, 9.15a LVAC Zumba Olga 59/680/35, 176/93, 156/83
Friday, 11.30 LVAC Kickbox Michelle B. 48/416/50, 149/79, 132/70
Saturday, 10a Ann Zumba Alyson 56/618/35, 173/92, 152/80
Saturday, Noon LVAC Pilates Olga 60/314/60, 126/67, 107/57
6412 gross calories,  694 mins, 5384 net calories, 12 classes
Net caloric deficit = calories burned at rest - calories consumed + net calories burned through exercise

14672 - 9350 + 5384 = 10706 - IHOP meal - Thanksgiving meal


Current: I started just eating when I was hungry. I wasn't eating more or less to manipulate calories. That ended up in leaving me with 1100 calories a day on average. So this week (Week of November 16th 2009) I started force-feeding myself 1300 calories a day. We'll see how it goes. I'm not adverse to upping it more while I find what's a good number for me. I want to gain muscle (that's another post) and 1100 isn't going to cut it (and 1300 probably won't either).

I record what I eat just for completeness sake, not to advise people to eat how I eat. For one thing, I don't eat vegetables. I have tried and I have failed. So I'm not setting out to eat as healthy as possible, I'm eating as healthy as I personally can with who I am and what I have.

I try to keep at 20-40-40 more or less. I don't try to hit exactly to the point of calculating it. I'm also not a low-carb person. I'm a try-to-balance-it-out person. If I get excited over 4g carb yogurt (!!!!) it's because I can add it to my diet without greatly unevening already-balanced values.

I try to eat small meals throughout the day, and try to start the day with my shake. Since I don't eat vegetables, I drink something called I'm not here to peddle supplements but if you go and you like it and you want to buy it, there's my link :) It's supposed to have a day's worth of nutrients that you'd get from a day's servings of vegetables, which is my own personal reason for taking it. I'm making another post with shake recipes. The website has nutritional breakdown for the powder.

I don't have weekly cheat days, I have a cheat day when the urge hits (as long as it's not more than once a week), but in the past 20 weeks I've had 2 cheat days, one with a pizza (2240 calories) and another one with a meatball sub at Subway (1200 calories).

Some stuff that helps:
- Sugar-free Jello - add small amount of calories without adding anything else (i.e. fat and carbs), helpful when you are trying to reach a number but not exceed it by much. 10 calories a cup. Need 70 calories? Eat 7 SFJ.
- Egg whites - tons of protein and not a lot of everything else
- Skinless boneless chicken tenderloins - at 110 calories per 4 oz, one of the leanest cuts.
- 96% fat-free ground beef
- Kroger Carbsmasters Yogurt - 4g of carbs, 80 calories - add calories and fill yourself up without loading up on carbs

When it comes to specific products, there's two I couldn't live without:
- Flatout Bread Light - - 9g fiber, 90 calories. I put a bunch of stuff in it. Sauce and cheese. Chicken. Beef. Just cheese. Very versatile.
- Vita-tops muffin tops and brownies - - 100 calories, around 5-6g of fiber, good for a snack. Low in fat (~.5-2g).

I only drink water and milk, and milk is usually 4-8 oz a day max.